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Welcome to UO BOD Tracker! UO BOD Tracker allows you to track your Bulk Order Deeds from all eight of the bulk order systems in Ultima Online.

  • Import your BODs with the output from the Enhanced Client's "Export Container to File" macro (If you are unsure of how to do this, watch the video below for assistance)
  • Not an enhanced client user? Import your BODs with UOAssist's vendor agent (see second video below)
  • BODs with a green background are filled
  • Small BODs with their name in a blue background indicate they fit a large BOD in your inventory
  • Large BOD slots with a blue background indicate a matching small BOD is in your inventory
  • Multi-shard tracking allows you to track your BODs on different shards. Make sure you select the correct shard when importing your BODs. You can also select a default shard in your profile on the account page
  • Before importing BODs, you may wish to create a container to track which book or vendor currently holds them. Containers are not associated with a shard.
  • Containers do not enforce any limits on how many BODs can be added, it is up to you to track your inventory
  • Under each profession, click the Rewards button to expand the rewards listing. Hovering over a BOD in your inventory highlights which rewards are obtainable with that BOD. Clicking on a reward shows which BODs to look for as well as which BODs in your inventory are best!
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  • 2024-05 Bugfix for the bulletin board item in the Carpentry profession.